The Resilience of Nature and Of Us! - City Geese and Erik Satie Video

As I write this, I'm at my local park astounded at what I'm witnessing; human beings laughing, smiling, socializing, congregating with such joy. The Children are playing chase. The mailman is delivering mail. Oh man, it's glorious. My neighborhood has come back to life!

One year ago, I would never have thought I'd be seeing this again. Ever!

Two years ago, 2019, and I would have taken this summer park scene for granted.

Today, I sit here now knowing that being of community is one of the greatest joys of being alive. I can see it in my neighbors eyes. I can also see in their eyes, that they are not letting fear rule them.

Whatever lead them to be out here, with me, enjoying the trees and sun and wind on a summer day, it's a testament to the absolute resilience of human beings. We are so far from perfect as a species, but we are not all bad, nor a lost cause. Not even close. If you were seeing what I am seeing today, you would agree. No matter what each person faced this past year, who they lost, or what worries they might still carry, they have rebounded back to life so quickly. That's resilience my friends. And it's a beautiful trait.

I remember learning this a long time ago, when I moved to Paris. As a lifelong Texan, living there was culture shock that I ever could have conceived. Being alone all the time like that; unable to communicate well with anyone. It showed me how much I underestimated my need to socialize. I had always been a loner, but I realized how much people really do need people. When the shock wore off, I was SO motivated to perfect my French, adjust my habits, to adapt in every way possible to live a healthy life there.

I remember a friend asking about my experience, after coming home to Texas 4 years later. The biggest takeaway I had was knowing, with absolute certainty, that humans can and will adapt to anything. We have that innate ability.

Now here it is, 10 years later, and I had forgotten that. I had doubted that humans would bounce back from 2020. Perhaps, I fell for for the fear mongering too. I confess, I had such dark moments thinking of what was to come from all this. I know others wondered too; will we ever be the same again?

What I didn't realize is how strong my neighbors are in this very resilience. My astonishment at this rebound is SUCH a welcome surprise. The shock at seeing them here is melting always my own PTSD. It's melting away with every hour I spend here amongst these mothers, fathers, families, children determined to continue to live their lives regardless. I’m also reminded that Life surprises us both ways - in both welcomed as well as unwanted.

Reminds me of these geese families I've seen around town, since we came back to the city. They walk on the sidewalks, crossing the street in orderly fashion. They seem to even follow the street light cues so they can get to their local hang, a park not too far off the water. Through their own resilience, they have become acclimated city geese. Going about their business, they have learned to live in harmony with us. But they also have guarded fiercely their families, their communities. Their example is such inspiration to me.

If they were doing this before the lock down, I didn't see them. They reminded me of how quickly nature grew back during the lockdown. Squirrels, birds, deer all adjusted to empty streets and sidewalks with in months. Even the water ways and air, here in NYC, seemed to clear up so quickly with out the normal traffic.

Our resilience must come from nature too. Though many don't like to think of ourselves that way, we are part of nature. And the power of nature is perhaps underestimated in this digital, trans-humanist society. But we have this power in us still. It’s in our biology, to survive and thrive, given any situation.

I can see it in my neighbors now. Doesn't matter how they responded to this. Doesn't matter what side of the political aisle they land on, we are united in our connection to nature; our humanity. Something I myself had to remember. And it wasn’t what I saw on Social or on my screen that reminded me. It’s what I saw when I got out of my own apartment. I can see their determination to keep on going. I appreciate that they might have learned as much as I did this year about themselves. They might have uncovered a level of love and compassion for others that cultivated from being locked away from each other. Unity is the truth out here. It’s so clear. And all the division and fighting I hear about online is just non-existent.

They say diamonds are born from great pressure, turning the coal into a crystal. Many in the spiritual communities say this is exactly what is happening to humanity right now. So hang on Brothers and Sisters. Hang on. If you have not tapped into your resilience yet, just know it's there. It's being reflected everywhere, if you have dared to venture out; in nature, in the city geese, in your neighbors, and especially in the musicians and creatives.

Reminds me of Erik Satie – the French Pianist and Composer at the turn of the 20th century. You probably have heard his Gymnopedie, which I play here in part, to accompany the elegant city geese. It's one of my all time favorite piano pieces. But he was not well received in his time period. In fact his teachers at the Conservatory called his music - "insignificant and laborious" and "worthless".

If you are a creative, you know how hard such comments can be. It can shut down that fragile and mysterious flow which brings forth great creative gifts. But his resilience kept him composing, and we are all the richer today for it. This same resilience keeps me composing and creating everyday. Even though I can not say that we are out of danger at this moment. I can not say much with certainty anymore. But I do know that I'll keep being creative, keep living my life, keep evolving as a human, keep loving my neighbors no matter what.

In another instance of coincidence, I just looked up spirit medicine from Geese. They have so many gifts to offer an open heart, but the most interesting is helping creatives to connect with their inspiration. They rely on community greatly, so I offer their message today to my community through this video I made that conveys wordlessly their magic to open us up to creative healing.

And for those who are heavy under the weight of our times, I call upon you to look upon the world that surrounds you and see the resilience. As well as other beautiful gifts birthed from a time of intense challenge, resilience can help you do exactly what it is you need to do. Imagine how many tough times our ancestors faced, and yet they did not give up. Use this time of uncertainly and crisis to become who you've always wanted to be. And let that be contagious to your own neck of the woods.

If nature is any example, we can heal and transform ourselves and our world much more quickly than we ever imagine. And it's our resilience that will show us the way. Like a flowing river finding the quickest and most efficient path to the ocean, our resilience will find the answers to pull us out of this mess. And onward to a better future.

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