Posts tagged Inspiration
Music Is A Bridge From You to You - Lyndol Descant

I just so easy to give up on yourself, to stop sharing or even listening to your own authentic voice.

I'm Lyndol Descant and as long as I can remember I was too shy to speak up for myself. I shrank away from attention like shadow from light. And worst of all – compliments.

I don't know why I was like that. Maybe it was my childhood circumstances, maybe I was born that way.

What I do know is that I would have remained that way for a lifetime had it not been for music.

Music is unlike anything else in our known world. Music is vibration. Music is Rhythm. Music is emotion. Music is communication. Music is Mathematics and mathematics is said to be the language of our universe. And when you study music enough, you realize music is magic. And that in our modern world we grossly underestimate it's power.

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Magenta Pixie Round Table - 5D Symphony and Sound Heartsong Activation with Lyndol Descant and Nina Starsong

In 2018, I composed a song called Fairy Jam and shared it with one of my favorite Youtuber’s Magenta Pixie. Her videos had been inspiring me for a while and continue to this day; bringing me insight and upliftement even in the middle of this unprecedented turmoil.

She ended up using the track multiple times, including a recent Solstice video that fulfilled my purpose for my music on a whole new level… to uplift and inspire others to unlock their creative genius.

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