Let It All Krumble - Music Video and Upcoming Single

I wrote this song 8 years ago; my first year in Brooklyn. I was hustling hard, renting a room and barely making rent. I was surrounded by all the grossness of NYC that you have to experience on a daily basis; from pollution to rotting garbage to poverty to dilapidated living spaces that cost more than a whole house back home.

But despite what surrounded me, I felt more alive than ever. I was songwriting like crazy, performing weekly and teaching music to children from all walks of life. I was so just so thankful for the experience. I really did feel a whole new level of joy and peace on the inside.

I was barely beginning to research the depths of organized crime and human trafficking – topics I did deep dives in the years to follow. But even before knowing what I know now, I intuitively new that something was way, way off. The society I was raised in wasn’t kind. And in fact seemed to harm humans, animals and the planet. I knew this as a little girl. But no one around me seemed to notice or care. In fact, I was considered the pessimistic one for even thinking that something was horribly wrong here.

It's been a lifetime of being gaslit this way by loves ones and people I respected/admired. They didn't seem to notice all the hurt, and pain in our world. I was deemed the overly sensitive one. Or maybe they just didn't have the vague remembrance, (or is it just super strong hope?) that I’ve always had; that things don't have to be this way. But we have to be willing to admit that something's wrong before we can fix it.

Well people are seeing and admitting it now, like never before.

I wrote this song for courage – to let the old failing systems that were based in scarcity, fear and corruption, just let them Krumble. Let them fall under the weight of their own cruelty.

It's been a musical mantra.

I proclaim with this mindset that I am the ultimate optimist here. That if we have the courage to face our fears and discomfort in seeing just how horrid our systems have been, then we can finally create a world based in love and compassion and unity. This is something I have dreamed of since I was that little girl; an evolved society that is so real to me, it almost feels like a memory. I think others in the Lightworker community can relate. So...

Let it All Krumble, Let it All Fall

Then we can rebuild and restore not only the human condition but this beautiful, blessed Planet.

I've been singing this song for courage and strength as we face this time when the darkness is being exposed like never before. It has helped me to develop and sustain the ability to feel peace and safety no matter what's going on around me. The power of our own consciousness is completely underestimated and misused. We are all responsible to tap into our power. NOW! For ourselves and the greater good, so that we do not anchor to what's passing, the invisible sinking ship. Instead to start creating, today, that golden age that so many of our ancient cultures prophesized. The ancient cultures who were far more wise and advanced that what our current Academic Institutes will admit.

Enter Eric Norcross, a brilliant director who has been creating his unique vision against all odds, entirely outside the system. I composed the score for his film, Death and Life; one of my most favorite projects. And he, in return, scripted and filmed the music video for Let It All Krumble, back in the summer of 2018.

This is where the 2nd layer of this video was born. I gave him complete artistic license, carte blance for his vision. He was inspired by this song to give expression to the struggle of creatives – to put their authentic art out there in the face of such a profit driven system. Rejection can be so devastating that their entire creativity is shut down. It's exactly then that we have to let go of the need for success in a corrupted system.

Instead, we have to find inspiration and motivation from within. Keep doing the art for arts sake. When it's our life's work, and for the greater good, we will experience a life of love and abundance beyond what this system defines as success. And I've personally experienced synchronicities and supernatural assistance (Is it a muse? Is it a Angel?) at various low points that kept me going. And kept me honest.

Some very talented people performed in this video from lead Lawson Leong (comedian/actor/wrestler), Dancer Erel Pilo (Singer/Songwriter, Actress, Choreographer), and Big John (all around genius and behind the scenes benefactor) - who stepped in last minute when another dancer backed out.

The final layer to this video is centered on my Beloved Gowanus Canal. Said to be one of the most polluted canals in the world, I lived by her for 3 years. Based on the works of Dr. Masaru Emoto, I would pray and bless her with love and affection. She is a Superfund site (EPA) so she has been in rehab to come back to her original, beautiful state. When I talk to locals, they said she is already so much better than she used to be. The ducks who hang out there now are proof. Though it's hard to tell, as you can see from the video footage. She's definitely not all the way back, but she is the hope of the future. She's an example of how to heal; to restore and rebalance ourselves and our world. And as we heal, we need to let the old fall away. Perhaps nature is FAR more resilient than we give her credit – as attested by the way so many waterways and nature spots were restored after only 3 months rest from lockdown.

Let me be clear that I'm not advocating for more lockdowns. Instead, we need to unlock our creative genius and find ways to be a more evolved modern society. One that doesn't pollute and doesn't enslave. Despite the mainstream mindset, we are part of nature. It's time to dance and sing in joy as our ancestors did, as we shine the light of our consciousness on the dark, deceptive ways our society has functioned. This is the process of change. This is the process for evolution. This is alchemical.

So, just Let it All Krumble...



Single (Produced by Colin Hua)
