Chase the Love Down by Lyndol Descant, Healing Patterns of Desperation to Find Love

I wrote this song a while ago, in response to a call for a submission to a music library. They were in search of a song to sync with a movie about unrequited love. I can’t even remember when that was, but I came across it this week. And decided I wanted to share it. I especially love the guitar, which was done by my friend and Producer, Colin Hua.

I've been lucky enough to be out in nature lately, and have found so much healing, so much stability, so much love out there. From the ocean's end in Montauk, to the babbling brooks of Kerhonksen, NY, to farm life in Pennsylvania, I just can't believe how beautiful the East Coast is; especially this time of year. I'm amazed I've ended up here, being a girl from the south. And it's started me thinking...

As you get older, you can see through the illusions of your life with more clarity. The pattern emerges so clearly; we chase after things in our life in an effort to find the love that we are missing inside. If you are lucky enough to have your dream come true, you're then cursed with knowing it never lives up to the fantasy. We chase the carrot endless around the track. And when we actually catch it, we find it is NOT AT ALL what we thought it'd be. It doesn't fulfill our desires. But as the pattern goes, we foolishly set out to chase yet another carrot. A bigger one that we are so sure will fulfill our dreams this time. This time will be different. This job, this relationships, this city, this amount of $ or land, or car, or whatever we externalize to possess what we need to make us happy. Finally. This is the folly of the human condition.

As the bible relates, nothing much has changed. We are still working so hard to melt down our gold, and build our golden calfs to worship. For some it's a job, for some it's money, for some it's a house. For many ladies, it is that perfect romantic relationship. We go after it with all we have. The wise wake up and realize that our very desperation keeps knocking love just out of our reach.

I wrote this song from the perspective of having spent many years of my youth chasing down love in the form of lust. I lived with a heavy heart for years wondering why it just didn't work out for me, like it did others.

But from my well earned 40’s something wisdom, I can see how this is all normalized in our unhealthy society. We look for love in all the wrong places (to quote the Master Willie Nelson) We seek for it in this external world, rather than where it really lies – with in our own hearts and minds.

All those hours spent trying to be pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, whatever else we think we need be, to deserve love – it's all time spent chasing our own tail. It's an illusion to think anything in this world will bring us the kind of love we really are in search of.

When it's the love and relationship of our creator that we lack. It's our connection to the source, and through it, our connection to the all; including our brothers and sisters.

As much as we think we want to be independent, we run around like chickens with our heads cut off. We bury our heads in the sands of this world and hide from the truth of our souls. From the truth of existence; that we are not alone, but loved personally and immensely. So few of us even know what love is, even fewer have experienced it.

When we go inside and face our own hearts, we will remember there is nothing we need do to earn love. We don't need to work and toil for years. We only need remember that we are already enough. It's our birth right as children of God.

No where is this more obvious than in nature where the illusions of our world are forgotten completely. The endless games of pretense and money are reduced to absolute nothingness in the face of the grandeur of time and space. The beauty and the abundance, the peace and the joy that are found in nature have nothing to do with Wall Street. In fact, it's being threatened by Wall Street.

Nature reminds us that we can't fix our problems with more striving, more money, more prestige.

We have to remember who we are in connection to this perfection that surrounds us. And that starts by just being still. That starts by listening to your own heart, your own emotions. That starts by expressing who you are right now, no judgment. That starts by facing our shadows and knowing that nothing is grander then true and real love. Can you feel that today? Have you ever felt that?
I hope my song and video will inspire you to hear that small voice leading you to that place where love is abundant and waiting with open arms for you. I hope that you’ll let nature teach you how to trust something that is beyond each of us individually. Cause there is nothing in this world that will make you truly happy, not on it’s own. Not on your own. But once you have reconnected to your soul, then everything in this world can bring you joy and love. It’s a shift from the inside to out.

PS - My song didn't make it in the movie, but then again I don't think that's why I wrote it after all. It was for this day, this moment. It was for you.

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