Kwik Kover: BitterSweet Symphony by the Verve - Goodbye 2021!

Good Bye 2021!

2021 was Bittersweet for me. I played this song all the time. My partner captured me in a moment of honesty as I played it in a beautiful old home in Philly. The sound quality is not great, and the performance is not flawless, but I wanted to share on this last day of 2021. I've always love this song, but it never made more sense that in 2021.

There were so many up and downs, extremes. The challenges kept coming and it kept me on the my knees. But in those moments my faith grew, and I also experienced such miracles, such love, such appreciation.

I also became aware of how bitterness itself had been rooted in my own heart for a long time. I do the work of the Musical Shaman, and heal my own heart as I face the fresh start of a new year. And having learned how to let go of the bitterness over my pasts, even over present injustice, I do feel free now. Music really helped! And I’m more convinced than ever that time spent in conscious creation is the antidote to all that ails us.

Not sure what 2022 has in store, but I feel more sovereign than ever and I have 2021 experiences to thank for that. So I say good bye with a song about how strange and deep and wonderful and tragic life has been for me up until this point. And I'm so thankful for the part I get to play in this Bittersweet Symphony called Life! And thank you to the Verve, this is one of my absolute all time favorites Songs - ever.

Also the perfect time to announce a new Year's resolution to do Kwik Kovers – songs I'm learning and playing because they express who and what I'm going through. But I'm going to keep the production simple so that I can get them out whilst they are still resonating with me, since some might only before a few weeks. And also to share the authenticity between these Kwik Kovers vs. my singles where I spend LOTS more time on sound and video quality. It's all in an effort to just share the love and inspiration with others, but especially creatives who are feeling the call like never before. I feel like perfectionism is still a block for me, more so online than live, so looking to smash that this year and just share more from my soul, less from my ego.

Here We go 2022~! My seat belt is buckled and I'm down for a wild ride....

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