Mercy Is What We Need - Original by Lyndol Descant

I wrote this song just before the quarantine. It's based on a toxic interaction I had on I had reached out to my neighbors with what I thought was a legitimate concern about a transformer near my house. Instead of answers, I was bold faced insulted. I was embarrassed and SO tempted to write insults back. It almost felt like a kind of gravity pulling me to react from my anger and shame.

But I didn't. Instead, I wrote this song and in the process realized both my troll neighbor and I were desperately in need of mercy. We were both hurting.

I've been singing this song constantly thru the quarantine. From my tiny apartment, I keep sending out the call for mercy for all those afraid, and especially those lashing out. They are, most likely, hurting the most.

This video was the first take and not perfect - but when the birds started singing with me at the last verse – I knew I had to share this exact one. I've been inspired by my fellow musicians providing raw and real content at this time. They are mastering the tech to keep the music going no matter what. I have lots to figure out on that front, like making sure I don't cut my head off in the video:) But this is raw and real and one step at a time.

The Blue Angels just flew over NYC and many of my neighbors are cheering from their stoops and windows. We are better and stronger together, so don't turn against your neighbor just because they aren't reacting to this they way YOU think they should. You don't know their whole story. And all of us deserve a little mercy right now.

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