
Release Jan 3rd, 2018 - All Love, is Lyndol Descant's 2nd Depo LB.  It consists of 9 original songs composed, recorded and produced by Lyndol, in Brooklyn NYC. 





Released April 1st, 2016 - A cross between a demo and an EP, this 9 song, self-produced album showcases Lyndol's Pop Fusion sound. Most of the songs were composed in her first few years in Brooklyn. Using her own home studio with Logic Pro, she recorded and arranged all the tracks.   Ellia Bisker of Charming Disaster and Sweet Soubrette recorded the backing vocals on Sweet Spot and Reach Up.  Casey Holford of Comedy Bang Bang recorded the vocals, mixed and mastered all the tracks. 

Reach up was featured in Mark Devlin's Podcast The Sound of Freedom, Show 75

"Lyndol Descant's singing blends so achingly well with her piano that she's almost like a one-woman duo. They're both instruments, her voice and her keyboard. When they're locked into each other, which happens often on her new album Reach Up, it is remarkably powerful. From beginning to end, Reach Up is an experience of sound and feeling. Descant isn't restrained by stylistic boundaries, either. Her compositions reach into pop, jazz fusion, and alternative sounds, their elements mixing together in complete harmony." - Stacey Zehrig, No Depression, July 28th, 2017