Lyndol Descant Singing Pianist NYC

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A Second Chance - New Original to inspire Renewal - Something We all Deserve

I wrote this song a year ago, when I had to return to my childhood home for a time. This was the house I grew up in and it was painful. Ghosts from my past and seemingly ancient memories haunted me in vivid colors.

I wrote this song to those express voices and personas from my past. These voices no longer express who I am anymore. But hearing them so clearly again pulled up so much that needed to be healed and laid to rest. I was hearing them, viewing them from my updated perspective. From a girl grown up who could listen with compassion to the cries of my inner child. And offer the wisdom I didn’t have back then.

It was my time to own the woman I had become. She is imperfect but wise, still learning but grounded. Aware of the past, but free from it. This song is my expression of this all. My companion as I went through that time period. I wanted to share it now, because it still brings me comfort and I hope it does for others now doing this same transformation.

We leave parts of ourselves in our past; suspended in time, buried in traumas. We all do. By reviewing your past from a new perspective, you can claim the lesson, see the soul growth and come to realize now matter how bad it was, it’s over now. You can acknowledge that the experiences helped you to be who you are. And thought this is hard, find a level of gratitude. No matter how terrible, I believe every experience is useful to our soul.

Forgiveness is the best way I know to let go of what is imprisoning you from your past. It accepts it for what it was, and recognizes it has no further power over you. Your anger, fear, resentment can keep you chained to mirages. Over the years, these illusions can take on a life of their own and tyrannize us from the shadows of our own mind.

Forgiveness is about freeing yourself. So it doesn’t matter if an injustice has never been avenged (at least to your knowledge). It only matters that you rescue any part of you lost there, and then close that door forever.

Loose no more sleep over it! Give no more of your precious time, and energy to it! Your life force is yours, and it’s yours to claim. You can not change the past, but you can choose to see if differently. You can choose to trust that ALL turns out for the good - of ALL. And justice is a promise to us, but not to be controlled by us. We might not see how the karma plays out, but it always does. Rest assured. And the good and bad news of it, is that is true for all. None of us are perfect here.

Perhaps the hardest is to forgive ourselves. Jesus has been the best teacher and friend to me in this regard. He will guide you too, show you how, even if you are only 1% willing to try. None of us are great at forgiving, but each of us can learn. And even singing along to this song, is a start.

Renewal is possible for each of us, if we are willing to do the inner work of clearing and healing. We can not be who we truly are, if we can not accept this redemption offered us. It’s never too late to forgive, or be forgiven. We all deserve A Second Chance.

No one can want it for us. We have to be ready. And perhaps that just comes down to divine timing and a global pandemic. At least for some of us:)