Lyndol Descant Singing Pianist NYC

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New Single Release: Knowledge, Light, INsight - Song and Video from My Soul

Knowledge, Light, Insight.

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This song is written from my soul. It's a a part of me that has confidence from beyond my personality's scope. So much of my life I've been plagued by timidity, hesitation, and doubt. I wrote this song so long ago, I don't remember when actually.

But the lyrics were what I needed to hear today, this very hour.

“All this knowledge, all this light, all this glory and fabulous insight!”

These lyrics reconnects me to the timeless part of me. This real Self that is beyond fear has a voice that is less in my head.; more quietly echoing in my heart. I've struggled for years to live consistently from this peaceful presence that I discovered early in my awakening. But as the 2nd and 3rd verse relate, I oscillate between a shy, scared me and this Grander, Larger than life me.

Many people choose to ignore their soul, deny it's very existence even. I'm not one of those people. Instead, I've very consciously tried to live in harmony with my Soul. It is a lost art in our modern society. Something deemed not cool anymore, especially in NYC, in a world that worships Science now. And looks for transcendence through synthetic technology, virtual reality and limited consciousness that only acknowledges a very small band of time/space/frequency.

My words are deep but clumsy, and this is why I express in art and music. I find that it's actually art and music that have the power to transcend, to transform from self to Self. I've combined them in a most impassioned and intuitive way in my music video for 'Knowledge, Light and Insight'. Featured are paintings I've done eons ago, mixed with videos I just took over the past few months. The song is ancient in my own songwriting timeline, but the production is totally new by Colin Hua.

It's a wild mix expressing everything in me and my world right now. Nothing is held back, because carpe diem has never been more real to me that this December 2021, when the world is raging with serious threats from all dimensions.

And the lyrics speak to me today.

“Something Bad is coming, just over that Hill

I've thought this way forever and it's making me ill...”

It's so easy to fall for the next threat, the next variant, the next fear to watch out for. This is my little self, always thinking if I just handle this, I'll be happy. If I'm just safe from this, I'll be fine.

But the goal posts keep changing and I'm non the wiser until I realize, in this very moment, I already AM fine.

I forget all the time, and then I remember; I can trust, I can let go. I am cared for and loved and guided. I can't tell you by exactly who, and once again words fail me. God, Angels, Spirit, Arcturians, My Higher Self? What I can say is that it's supernatural, loving and kind and somehow omnipresent, outside of time and handing out miracles like sticks of gum. It's everywhere when I'm ready to see. And nowhere when I'm trapped in fear and unable to let go of control.

Nothing reminds me like being amongst the trees. There are many photos of my adventures in the Redwoods in this music video, and I offer these in humble thanks to them. Nowhere have I personally found more solice than amongst those gentle giants. And they enabled my limited perception to even begin to imagine what God, or Angels or even what our own Souls might be like. Beyond this world. Beyond Fear. Loving and Gigantic and All Inclusive. And somehow reaching out to us with such intimate understanding of who we are, in our deepest truth.

And that's the game, to be brave enough to live in the faith and the courage it takes, to rise above this cruel chaos.Nature and Music are my antidote. I share here through my music and art in humility, in a spirit of Grace for my fellow human beings; whom I've never needed more.

As I write this, I face the need to forgive myself for so many things, and as an extension, to forgive this matrix'ed world. I forgive myself for falling off the horse so many times, and pray for the strength to keep getting back on. I even missed the 11/11/21 release date for this due to illness, drama, frustration, travel and here it is again... hesitation.

But 11/11/21 was my timing, and I release it now on Divine Timing, which often requires more patience than anything. And I offer this to my Soul, My Angels and the one true God who have never given up on me. Instead, I have been show me SOOOO much patience and grace. Much of my life is evolving this way, towards living in Divine Timing. It requires much less planning but much more trusting. Less action, and more confidence.

When I sent the rough demo of 'Knowledge, Light, Insight' to Colin to start production, I only gave the instruction that I wanted something Funky. And man did he deliver, I can't get enough of his guitar on this.

I also want to thank my Mom and Chris who have shown me so much Grace over the years, and were the ones to bring me to my great Loves, the Redwood Trees!

Many people I know are sick right now, hurting, scared and I want to offer this out to the world for healing. I'm know in my Grander self that we will gain more understanding of the power of music and light for healing mind, body and spirit in the future. It's an intuitive understanding I've always had, not backed by data and peer reviewed studies. But I do have almost a lifetime of experiences to support it.

I know it's truth and I forge ahead in that direction knowing many others are exploring this for our future's sake. A shift is upon us, and whether I live to see it or not, I'm confident that the world will be better for our children's children.

I'll continue to do all I can do to open the door that direction because my Grander Self sees a bigger picture. One that includes a loving existence for everyone. Where healthy bodies and loving relationships are common place. Where truth and integrity are simply the smartest and most efficient modus operandi. Scarcity and Competition are seen for the illusion they really are and then forgotten completely.

We all are connected through the wisdom of our souls, whether we remember or not. But imagine being born into a world where we all remember who we truly are and have lived that way consistently since our conception. What places we could go if that were our starting point! What a world we could create!

“Teach Me, Lead Me, Show me where to Go. Love me, Remind me, of what I already know.”