Lyndol Descant Singing Pianist NYC

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Going Back to Analogue - New Music and Video by Lyndol Descant

Going Back to Analogue is a original instrumental set to my recent phone videos. I wanted to communicate the idea of a return to a simpler, cleaner lifestyle, closer to nature, as God intended. How this will look? That's what I'm interested in igniting hearts and imaginations towards...

I don't think we can go backwards, meaning loose all the tech. But we can be much wiser about how we develop, interact and live on this beautiful planet. We are smarter than this.

Maybe we need to slow down, to shake off our past and truly envision a new path forward? Hence the Turtle star of this video - Mr. Snapperhead. He's a wonderful example for many of us as we are forced to slow down due to the current situation.

Last week, I was walking past a yard that had put all it's dead leaves in a plastic bags to be picked up by the garbage trucks. It doesn't make sense; to use plastic to package foliage which breaks down organically? Waste on many levels there. These leaves when left in nature add nutrients to the soil. So why use more plastic and labor to take them to a landfill?
We can't keep waiting for the corporations to have cleaner practices. Or the governments to make the regulations that will reduce pollution when we ourselves are not using our common sense to make clean choices.

We have the power to make different decisions in our own little spheres. We can compost the leaves for our gardens or burn them in a fire, the way people used to do. In many ways, going back to Analogue, means going back to common sense. Going back to practices that our Grandparents used to keep us more connected to the earth and each other. We’re not that far removed.

I wrote this song many years ago. It was an improvisation and I intentionally kept it rough because it is encoded with deeply loving and compassionate vibes for all Humanity. I wanted to offer energetic support as we attempt to grow up into spiritual adulthood. I feel so much appreciation and admiration for anyone attempting to see past the threats of darkness, the years of brainwashing, and the rampant vibration of fear. Many of us are climbing out of our mental prisons. (symbolized by the cages/bars lines in the video) These prison are created by our own thoughts of separation, fear and lack.

Look to the science… The way forward is to understand at the quantum level – everything is frequency. So the power of our thoughts are way underestimated and misused. If we only knew what magnificence we are made of! Our imaginations need to be put to creating a new world based on love and abundance for all.

But if you listen to the media, even many independent sources, you will hardly find the time and space to imagine a beautiful future for yourself and others. I've been going back and forth between worrying about prepping for an impending doom and being so hopeful that the change I've always prayed for is finally happening. That we are living God’s plan for salvation. This is it! Though I don't personally know the details, I humbly admit that I feel something extraordinary is happening offline right now. I have such a profound sense of hope that brothers and sisters everywhere are going back to Analogue. I'm sounding the call for more to join with this video. Take some time today to imagine the best possible scenarios for you and yours, as well as our collective future.

Production Notes: I had been wanting to put this video together for 6 weeks, it was in the back of my mind constantly but couldn’t get started. I had gathered up the clips and photos I thought would work for it. I had asked around for some video editors to work on it. None took the job, so I reluctantly sat down to piece it together on my own.

I knew I was missing some video that could serve as the backbone. But I loaded the song into iMovie anyways and had a listen for inspiration. Just then, my partner came down the stairs at that exact moment, dancing to it. I picked up my phone and got the exact footage I needed, literally right in front of me. It was such a moment of synchronicity. You’ll see him the video. Everything fell into place after that. Big lesson for creatives…sometimes you just have to get started, and it will come together. But not one moment before.

And when I say he's my muse, I truly mean it:) I'm so very thankful.